December 26

New Year’s Marketing Resolution


Do you have New Year’s resolutions for your real estate business? If you’re not sure where to start here is one of my favorite New Year’s marketing resolutions. This resolution can (and should) be implemented every year. It doesn’t expire and always gets better.

New Year’s Marketing Resolution: Do more with your database

You’ve probably heard people say that there’s a lot of money in your database. So, as the markets tighten, and online lead costs skyrocket, focus on finding the sales that exist in your database!

What do you need to do to get this resolution working?

1. Create a database

Seriously – it’s almost 2019. If you don’t have a database yet, you need to stop everything and get your house in order! You don’t need to buy an expensive CRM (although sometimes they’re helpful). You could actually start with an excel spreadsheet. So, take a few minutes, gather your contacts and create your database.

2. Create communication plan

Now that you’ve got your database organized, you need a communication plan. How will you stay in touch with all those people? Do they all get the SAME communication or should you treat them differently? Consider how you’ll communicate (and how often) with your past clients, sphere of influence, active leads and old leads that may have fallen off your radar. Some ideas to get you started:

 3. Give value

Value is one of those things that EVERYONE talks about but is sometimes hard to identify. So, take a little time and think about the value you have to offer your database. If you’re going to incorporate value into your communication plan, maybe it looks something like this:

  • Send a weekly newsletter that includes market statistics.
  • Call your past clients every 90 days with an equity update.
  • Perhaps your sphere of influence would also appreciate an equity update – even if they’ve owned their home longer than you’ve been in real estate.
  • Connect with your database on social media by posting hyper local content and other interesting types of posts that people will engage with.  

You know that real estate is a long game.

Working your database consistently is a long game strategy. You might get quick wins here and there (which is fantastic!!) but if you don’t – please don’t be discouraged.

You’re in real estate 24/7, but most people only buy a handful of homes a lifetime.

Your goal is to remain top of mind with the people you know. So, when they are ready to buy or sell, you’re the first person they think of. But, you’re also the person they share with their network when someone mentions real estate! (Hello, referrals?!?!)

This new year’s 2019 marketing resolution to stay in touch with your database shouldn’t cost you a lot of money. It does require a little time to implement. But, investing time to deepen your relationship with the people in your database is time well spent!

We’ve got all the resources, templates and trainings you need to master the above strategies in Savvy Agent Club. If you’re not already a member, check it out.

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database marketing, real estate marketing

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